Biden Backs Child Killers

About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
This entry was posted in #PoopyPantsBiden, Basement Byrdbrain Bidet, Bidet Crime Clan, Bidet's Big Boneheaded Blunders, Bidet's Biggest Blunders, Butt Blast Bidet, Child Trafficking, Hunter Bidet The Crack "Parmesian Cheese" addict., Jill Bidet, Joe Biden Is A Failure, JoeJoe Robbing-It Bidet, Joey "Big Thief Guy" Bidet, Joey The Jackal Bidet, Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet, My Butt's Been Wiped, PedoHitler, Presidency, Rape, Robbert Hunter Bidet Laptop, Senile Liberal Fake President, Sir Poops Alot, Sniffy JoeJoe, United States Emperor, Violence and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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