New LEAKED Video Of Pelosi Admitting She Was ‘In Charge’ of January 6th SHOCKS: ‘I am Responsible’

My blog partner Rattrapper and I have been saying on our blogs that Nancy Pelosi used an old blueprint from FDR and his partners in crime General John DeWitt and William Randolf Hearst, a blueprint of their plot to deport all Japanese people in the Americas from all of North, Central and South America, on those at the Capitol on January 6th 2021, to imprison them for life or execute them on false charges of committing treason, if the cabal could get away with it.  Nancy had access to those blueprints, because her crooked pappy Thomas D’Allessandro had shown her those blueprints when she was a child, and where he kept them.  This is catching up to her.  DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP!  But what she sowed is what she’s now reaping.

About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
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