Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi slams Joy Behar for likening MAGA slogan to NAZISM


About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
This entry was posted in James Morrow, Lawrence o'Dumbo, Lefties Losing It, Liberal Gas Baggers, Rita Panahi, Rowan Dean, Sky News Australia, The Outsiders and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi slams Joy Behar for likening MAGA slogan to NAZISM

  1. TMJ says:

    Leftists are lunatics

    Liked by 1 person

  2. myfoxmystere says:

    So true! And they’re the perfect jackal clowns to laugh at, right now. I’m glad Rita Panahi has the segment Lefties Losing It. It’s pure comedic genius watching it.


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