Dervish’s Desperate Smear Attack.

Dervish Sanders’ Sick Gay Fantasy

Dervish has gone on a smear campaign.   Sanders has posted a bunch of vile perverted posts of his sick queer fantasies.  When you click onto the link, you will see his deranged posts on Google Blogger.  The link above is his sick sexual fantasy.  There is more to it than that post.

Dervish Fantasizes Over Donald Trump’s penis

Sanders continues his cyberbullying by spewing out his queer fantasy of having oral sex with Donald Trump. Sanders thinks it’s funny to talk about his desire to get sexually active with the President. It gets even worse.

Dervish Shows His Jealousy And His Low IQ

Dervish shows his jealousy of not being able to mentally grow past the age of a 1 year old. His extra low IQ has gotten him into plenty of trouble, and he shows his jealousy. Hey, it’s not my problem that Dervish is demon possessed. Dervish’s extra low IQ and his refusal to seek treatment has caused him to become delusional. And no, this isn’t the end of it. He has another whopper he flame broiled:

Dervish’s Stupid Whopper

About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
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