Pelosi’s Laptop Once Called Out Again! It’s Under Military Investigation…

Confidential source discloses Pelosi’s seized laptop yields damning information of treason committed by Pelosi and her liberal thugs during Capitol Insurrection. Pelosi orchestrated insurrection. Damning emails on laptop comes back as proof. Texts to BLM & CCP prove involvement. Traitors sold USA to China. Traitors inciting violence on west coast. 2020 election tampered. Ballots scanned multiple times to commit treason. Death penalty proper punishment for treason.

Military is the only solution for taking country back. Bidet the jackal refuses to uphold law. FBI & SCOTUS are corrupt. 9/11 possibly inside job. Deep State needs to be taken out and executed!

About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
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