The Eleventh Hour S14 #6

One God leads the Calvary of a spiritual army.

Jesus is the ONLY WAY! John 14. Empty Tomb!

I Kings very important! Teaching from wife Pastor Robin R. Bullock from Monday Night 9/06/21 very important.

I Kings 18:17 onward about Ahab causing trouble against Israel. Word of God is important! Office of a prophet preserves states and nations. Obadiah goes for help. Obadiah went by way of the Lord. Wicked Governments hate prophets. Elijah tells Obadiah about what is going on. Jezebel has been slaying prophets of God. Elijah reveals that there is an army of God ready for battle.

Abortion is murder. One who slays a pregnant woman gets charged for double murder. Planned Parenthood worships the altar of Baal. India, Kabul Afghanistan and middle east have something wonderful coming.

Biden is ridiculous and done! Another member of DNC will be turned in for crimes. The deal of secrecy will be undone. Jab master will also fall. One from left must run to Ted Cruz or suffer. Ridell, Nadler & Schiff will go down. Chem trails, Tower goes down.

Biden will be behind bars! Next one to occupy Oval Office won’t be a Democrat!

About myfoxmystere

You can also find me on mystere's moonbat slayer club; I had to go as myfoxmystere since mystere was taken already! I'm on several Fox TV Blog sites as mystere.
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